Patch Your Gaps: Identifying Mobile Security's Challenges
The State Of Mobile Security
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The job of today’s enterprise security professional has not only grown in complexity, but it is also extremely dynamic, in that the day-to-day could shift from one month to the next – depending on the threat landscape. Regardless, CISOs and the security team should develop sound security platforms that can address incidents such as phishing or ransomware in a timely manner.
As these issues plague today’s cyber troops, the mobile front becomes wider. What are some of the challenges these professionals face when deploying corporate devices or monitoring anomalous activity? Where should their efforts be focused?
In this Market Report, entitled “Patch Your Gaps: Identifying Mobile Security’s Challenges,” we’ll examine some of these challenges, along with:
- Background on the state of mobile security
- Ways to guard against phishing, identity management and cloud issues
- Advice for improving an enterprise's mobile fleet.
Download the full Market Report to learn more about the state of mobile security, its changing nature and to gain insight from end-users and analysts.