On The Leading Edge Of Fraud: The Data, The User & The Risk
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There’s so much to be done between the moment that fraud goes from risk to an incident. Martin Ingram parses those initiatives out between the data and the user. Hailing from a financial services industry where the purpose is risk, he suggests that all organizations manage risk. And whether the potential incident might concern data or the user- the cyber security executive must understand inherent risk and realize mitigation methodologies accordingly.
Having that understanding, knowledge and prowess is the most straightforward way to ensure the security organization is equipped with the necessary tools to communicate the value of meeting that moment between risk and incident.
Often, more risk means more reward and getting in the way of risk has the implication of limiting business upside. The inverse of course is benign about to contextualize how a certain security cost limits risk and hence is worth the investment. Either way, well informed security executives providing risk context ensures a safe yet enabled enterprise. And that of course extends out to your supply chain.
Realizing that threats come from within, along the supply chain and through geo-political means- and that those threats have metastasized and been exacerbated is our collective new reality. Martin shares that the onus is on security personnel to be prepared within that constant state of change.
The assumption has been that you can see what your hackers do. If that was the case, it certainly is not the case any longer. Yet, there is a new tool to confront what you can’t see- the data. Patterns can reveal themselves when looking at the right data in the right context.
Martin shares all of the above along with how privilege plays into decision-making, acuity needed beyond solutions, pace of response and more. Join us at SASE APAC February 17-18.