IoT Threat Intelligence

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Seth Adler
Seth Adler

True threat intelligence involved collaboration with peers in industry, cross industry, with law enforcement and with regulatory bodies. It is understood that to call it “intelligence,” TI has to be a public/private community effort. TI also has to be a human/machine community effort. 

Gopal shares how IoT Threat Intelligence is evolving.

Gopal Padinjaruveetil, Chief Information Security Officer, The AAA Auto Club shares how IoT Threat Intelligence is evolving. Here is the baseline of where the conversation will launch from:

With more than 140,000 members, Cyber Security Hub is the vibrant community connecting cyber security professionals around the world.

  • What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

    Gopal first provides a definition of IoT that showcases connectivity. Whereas heretofore, connectivity has brought humans together with information and other humans- the Internet of Things provides connectivity of humans to machines and vice versa.

  • Providing intelligence to non-living things comes with a cost.

    That connectivity leads to information. And with the assistance of cognitive technologies- a machine can distill insights and even potentially act on those insights. That activity can be construed as intelligence. 

  • Ascertaining the implications of the explosion of devices coming online.

    Earth already boasts 50 billion connected devices. That number increases exponentially as 5G becomes a reality.

  • Understanding the unintended consequences of granting access to IoT ‘users'.

    Identity is the new perimeter. In addition, many cyber security organizations have PAM, IAM and a basic layer of Zero Trust in place. However, nearly all organizations that have solved the identity perimeter have done so only for humans. Machines have their own identity and need to be treated as users as well.

  • Grappling with the implications of the totality of the four dimensions of IoT.

    The four dimensions: Sensors/devices; Connectivity; Data processing; User interface.

  • Continuing to evolve with IoT developments

    Gopal shares his knowledge on each piece above as well as how fellow CISOs can think about IOT threat intelligence in a different way than human threat intelligence.

Join him at the Cyber Security Hub Threat Intelligence Summit March 16-17.