Fabiola Kacani

Group Financial Crime Compliance ING

Risk and compliance professional with extensive experience in the financial/banking sector. CAMS certified and holds a certificate from the prestigious Harvard Executive Program in Risk Management. Recently focused on bringing a comprehensive understanding of the challenge interplay between ESG and compliance, including the vital role of reporting and disclosure requirements, notably the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). As a risk professional, brings a holistic view that allows to see the bigger picture and understand the interconnectedness of various factors within Compliance.

Exchange Day Two - June 14

1:25 PM Integrating ESG into Compliance frameworks – Navigating the regulatory landscape, reporting and disclosures requirements

As the importance of ESG, in particular C&E continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly important for banks/ big financial institutions to integrate ESG risks into their Compliance frameworks. This round table discussion will explore the challenges and opportunities of integrating ESG factors into compliance frameworks. How can ESG risks drive compliance and the challenges and opportunities of reporting and disclosure requirements?

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Fabiola.

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