Christian Dargatz

Head of Group Compliance Unzer E-com

Exchange Day One - June 13

12:10 PM Interactive Roundtable discussion groups – regulatory interactions and creating internal value

Regulatory culture Given the continued movement towards a more risk-based approach, how can you maintain the right regulatory relationships and ensure the regulatory perspective is inherent in your anti-financial crime strategy, on both a global and local level?

Exchange Day Two - June 14

9:30 AM Keynote panel discussion, with audience Q&A: A changing landscape – how has technology redefined the skillset needed to be a successful anti-financial crime leader?

The continued movement towards a principals-based regulatory environment, coupled with ongoing development in anti-financial crime technology, has led to a significant shift in the approach many take to their anti-financial crime strategy. Technology offers advantages and insight which cannot be matched by human expertise, but is there a risk of losing sight of the critical expertise needed by an anti-financial crime leader?

  • Can you start a successful anti-financial crime a career today without being a technology expert?
  • How does the impact of technology impact your recruitment, training, and retention strategies?
  • What are the limits of technological intervention and how can you maintain the balance of human expertise and adherence to a risk-based approach?

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Christian.

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